Music at Dows Lane
Dear Families,
It is my pleasure and honor to be your child’s music teacher here at Dows Lane. Once a young musician myself, I understand the impact that music education can have on students during their primary years. It is my goal to provide a well-rounded, joyful, enriching experience for your children while making a point to learn from them and the knowledge they bring to the music room.
Thank you for your support and encouraging your child’s participation in the arts. I look forward to working together over the years.
Genevieve Lotze, K-3 Music
Will Rich, Part Time Music Teacher (2024-2025)
The mission of IUFSD Music Department is to ensure that every student develops lifelong engagement in music, which will empower students to individually and collectively express their innate and diverse musicality, be artistically literate, build interpersonal relationships, and find continued joy, inspiration, and meaning.
Overview of K-3 Music at Dows Lane
All Dows Lane students participate in music class 1x/week for 45 minutes.
In Kindergarten, students will explore their sense of beat, rhythm, movement, and melody. Through collaborative and individual musical experiences, students will play classroom instruments and sing songs from a wide variety of genres and cultures. Students will be encouraged to use these experiences as a catalyst to express themselves and enjoy participating in music together with their peers.
In First Grade, students will become Musical Explorers through the well-renowned Carnegie Hall Musical Explorers curriculum. They will “travel” throughout the United States and the world to explore musical traditions, folk songs, instruments, and more. In May, first grade musicians will perform a Spring Concert, where they will sing songs collaboratively chosen among them. After their concert, they will begin to explore reading rhythm and melody: musical elements that will be deeply studied in second grade.
In Second Grade, students will focus on the elements of music, particularly rhythm and melody. They will learn how to read simple rhythms such as quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. They will also learn how to sing melodies, play melodies on classroom instruments, and compose music of their own using rhythm and melody together. In the spring, second grade musicians will participate in Project-Based learning, where they will have the opportunity to apply their musical knowledge and skills to create a finished product.
In Third Grade, students will prepare for their Winter Concert in January. Students will work together to select and vote on songs to sing for their concert, with the help and guidance of Ms. Lotze. In February, third grade musicians will begin to play the ukulele. While learning the ukulele, students will continue to practice reading and playing rhythms as well as learning to compose songs of their own. In June, they will perform singing selections at their Moving Up Ceremony, where the students will sing songs meaningful to their time at Dows Lane.
Performances to look forward to at Dows Lane:
Winter Chorus Concert (3rd graders)
Spring Chorus Concert (1st graders)
Moving Up Ceremony (3rd graders)
New York State Standards for Music (MUSIC Standards to learn more):