Communication & Parent Involvement
Due to ogoing updates, please refer to the Dows Lane Buzz emails for the most up-to-date information.
Open House:
Open Houses for grade K/1 and grade 2/3 take place in the fall.This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and receive an overview of the curriculum and special activities for the upcoming school year.
Family-Teacher Conferences:
Family-Teacher Conferences take place two times during the school year for grades K-3 aligned to the Fall and Spring report card schedule. Conference dates are available each year on the district calendar. Special reminders will be sent home and sign up for conferences will be done through your child’s teacher and class parents in advance.The purpose of this conference is to discuss your child’s progress and academic, social emotional and/or behavioral goals.
Report Cards:
The report card schedule is aligned so that you can access your child’s report card on Home Access Center prior to and in preparation for the conference. Report cards go home three times a year - Winter (Nov/December), Spring (March/April) and end of year (June).
Student Records:
A copy of all the information in your child's cumulative folder is available upon request. Usually, this information will include your child’s school registration forms, copies of report cards, any standardized test scores and attendance information.If you need a copy of this information or wish to review your child’s folder, please call the main office at 914-591-6012.
Ongoing Communication:
Information regarding activities and events can be found on the website, via District and weekly Dows Lane Buzz emails. Please look for these communications and be sure you are signed up to receive email newsletters to stay informed.
If you need to communicate with your child's teacher or staff member, there are several ways to do so:
- Written notes or emails may be sent to a teacher or staff member
- In an emergency or if you need immediate assistance, please call the main office at 914-591-6012
Weekly Newsletter:
Building administration sends a weekly email, Dows Lane Buzz. This weekly communication includes information about upcoming events for our school and community. This is sent home via the email address in our Eschool system. Please contact the main office if you are not receiving this weekly communication.
District Newsletter:
A District email newsletter is sent out weekly. This newsletter provides valuable and timely district communication, inclusive of budget, Board of Education topics, committee agendas and more. Please be sure you are receiving these emails as well.
District Calendar:
Vital information is contained in our district calendar related to days off, school events and important reminders. You may sync your phone with the Irvington Google Calendar.
Family Involvement:
There are many ways families can become involved with their child’s experiences in Dows Lane. Contacting our Dows Lane PTSA is the best way to join a committee or volunteer for a school function.
Class Parents:
The role of the PTSA class parent is to help coordinate special activities. Class parents are selected by PTSA vice presidents each year. Questions and comments regarding classroom policy and individual issues should not be directed to class parents, but rather should be addressed by appropriate school staff. One class parent per grade is designated as the grade level parent. You will be asked to provide your email address to class parents at the Open House event in September.
Parent Advisory Council (PAC):
The Parent Advisory Council meets monthly with the building principal and assistant principal to discuss school events and any topics related to school programs. You may share your topics or questions for discussion to members of your PAC or class parents. The members of the PAC Committee are PTSA vice presidents for the K-3 school and grade level parents. We value this committee and the collaborative work done to support Dows Lane.
The Irvington NY PTSA is a volunteer, nonprofit organization that supports and advocates for our schools, our community and for the well-being and achievement of every student in our district.These goals are accomplished in many ways at Dows Lane. The PTSA supports programs for students, such as Square-One-Art, Pre-School Carnival, Book Fair, Art Show, and Used Book Sale, and many other wonderful programs that enhance and enrich our learning experiences. If you are interested in volunteering, check the Irvington PTSA website for more information.
The PTSA - SCAFLD Committee (Supporting Children and Families with Learning Differences) also supports students and families.
Irvington Education Foundation (IEF)
The Irvington Education Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the programs offered to all students. IEF grants fund special programs to enrich curriculum and school experiences. Since its inception in 1996, the ideas, efforts and community generosity have supported amazing grants at each grade level. Please visit the IEF website for more information.Site Based Committee:
School Site Committees are formulated as a result of the Commissioner's Regulations Part 100.11.The Irvington school community believes that students and their growth as learners and individuals are at the core of the work of its schools. We believe that community representation and participation are critical to the success of its students, as is the role of local decision making. Shared decision making will enrich dialogue and experiences for our students. In this spirit, the goal of these School Site Committees, in the Irvington Schools, is to enhance students’ learning experiences. All discussions of these committees should be student-centered and project-based while being guided by the areas in the Site Committee Project Suggestion section of this plan. The Dows Lane Site Committee meets monthly to develop a school-based project.