District Mission with Theories of Action and Goals
At Dows Lane we focus on learning that embodies The Irvington Portrait of a Graduate. Students are learning to be courageous learners, engaged citizens, effective communicators, and self-aware individuals.
Across the District, and in each of our schools, we are focused on providing each student a rigorous and enriching experience that is consistent with the District Mission Statement:
The mission of the Irvington School District is to create a challenging and supportive learning environment in which each student attains his or her highest potential for academic achievement, critical thinking and life-long learning. Our schools encourage the discovery and development of students’ individual strengths, skills and talents, and foster social and civic responsibility.
To help further define our work, the Administration and Faculty have operationalized the Mission Statement through the development and articulation through its Theories of action.
A Theory of Action is a set of underlying assumptions about how we will move our organization from its current state to its desired future. (Elmore)
District Theory of Action 1
If we provide students with rigorous, authentic learning experiences rooted in a comprehensive curriculum, then they will acquire the knowledge, skills and dispositions of successful 21st Century learners that will prepare them to thrive in a rapidly evolving global society.
In order to develop successful 21st Century learners that will be prepared to thrive in a rapidly evolving global society, the Irvington School District will:
- provide students with rigorous authentic, learning experiences
- develop a comprehensive curriculum that includes:
- aligned and articulated content
- defined learning outcomes
- a balanced and systematic approach to assessment
- 21st Century skills and dispositions - problem solver, flexible thinker, collaborative learner, effective communicator, empathetic citizen, and self-reliant, reflective, creative risk-taker.
Theory of Action 2
If we value and foster the professional learning and growth of all members of our school community, then we will build our collective capacity to support student success.
In order to build our collective capacity to support student success, the Irvington School District will:
- engage all members of our school community in the process of continuous improvement through the articulation of District goals
- involve all members of the school community in learning and developing the knowledge and skills to support student success
- provide educators with professional learning designed to support student growth
- provide all staff with professional learning to develop the skills necessary to meet District needs.
Theory of Action 3
If we engage in a systematic approach of classroom observation, collecting data and offering feedback to one another, then evidence-based decisions will promote reflective practice, inform instructional design and guide professional learning in order to continuously improve/advance student achievement.
In order to continuously improve student achievement through professional learning, reflective practice, and instructional design, the District will:
- engage all K-12 instructional leaders in various approaches to classroom visitation to collect evidence of teaching and learning
- utilize the Instructional Rounds protocol as a tool to assess our progress toward our relevant theories of action and in addressing instructional goals
- use the Framework for Teaching as the benchmark for instructional best practices
- use the Annual Professional Performance Review as one indicator of student performance and teacher effectiveness.
Curriculum - Teaching Thinking
We are pleased to share a link to Rubicon Atlas, a website that provides access to Irvington UFSD's curriculum. Below is the link to the Irvington UFSD Rubicon Atlas site and our FAQ document. This FAQ's will provide quick answers that you may find helpful as you explore our curriculum through this new website.