Dows Lane Daily Attendance Procedure
Due to ongoing updates, please refer to the Dows Lane Buzz emails for the most up-to-date information.
At Dows Lane, we believe in the importance of taking daily, accurate attendance. It is imperative that our attendance procedures support the timely confirmation of any absences to ensure the safety and well-being of all students.
- Parents must notify the main office and/or the nurse’s office of all absences. Medical absences can be directly reported to the nurse’s office at 914-591-6015, or dial the main office at 591-6012, ext. 1.
Late Arrival: Students who arrive after 8:00 AM will require a late pass.
Aligned to report cards, attendance reports will be run to track all absence and tardy patterns:
- Building administration and/or our District Social Worker will contact parents who demonstrate the need for support with daily attendance/tardy patterns that are impacting achievement.
Dows Lane Attendance Expectations and Improvement Plan
Students will arrive at Dows Lane on time so they are ready to learn when school starts at 8:00.
Attendance Improvement Plan:- Students with 4 unexcused late or absent days in a marking period, will receive an email from the classroom teacher, alerting the family to our concern.
- Monthly attendance reports will be run in the office to keep track of students with 4 or more unexcused late or absent days in a marking period.
- Students with 5 unexcused late or absent days in a marking period, will receive a letter from the principal. Gina Menendez, District Social Worker, will check in with the parent/ student.
- Students with 6 or more unexcused late or absent days in a marking period, will receive a phone call from Gina Menendez, District Social Worker, to communicate our concern and/or set up a meeting in school.