• Social Interactions and Play:

    Scavenger Hunt - create a list of items you would have in the house or outside. Students begin on an even playing field, in the same location or seated at a screen, and items are announced one by one. The first 3 people back to show their item get a point. An additional point is given for a creative item (i.e a student puts paper towels in a box for a "box of tissues"). 

    Two truths and one false - students write down three things about themselves, two are true and one is false. They read off all three facts and the other students see if they can guess which fact is false. Each person guesses before the answer is revealed. 
    Thumper - Each student comes up with a hand signal that is dramatic enough that it can be noticed (tapping shoulders, thumbs up, cover eyes, cover ears) and you begin a beat <<tap tap, clap clap>>. One student begins, they do their own hand signal and pass it to someone else. That person does their hand signal and passes it to someone else. The student always begins with their hand signal, followed by the next person. You can pass the hand signal back to the same person. The rest of the group is tapping and clapping while the game continues. The signals happen on the beat. 
    Quick Draw - Each student will need paper and pencil. Pick one student to draw first. Have other students turn around or cover their eyes. Hold up a word on a card that the student will draw. Once they know what they are drawing, they can either tilt their laptop down to show their paper or draw details holding up occasionally. The first person to guess what the drawing is gets the point. You can play up to five or until everyone has had a chance to draw. 
    Picnic game - Reinforces listening skills and engagement. Start with A and go around listing one item you will bring on the picnic, until you get to Z. Each person does one letter, repeating the other items students brought before  them and then adding their own. (apples, bikes, coconuts, dishes...etc.)