Lead Testing Results and Information

  • Recent Lead Testing Results

    Lead Testing Lab Results 10-17-24

    Lead Testing Lab Results 5-10-24

    Lead Testing Lab Results 11-15-23

    Lead Testing Lab Results 5-25-23

    Lead Testing Lab Results Irvington Follow Up 4-20-23

    Lead Testing COC Irvington Follow Up 4-20-23

    Lead Testing MS DLS HS with Corrective Actions 4-27-23

    Lead Testing Water Sampling 4-19-23

    Lead Testing Sampling Reports 4-1-23 for the MS/HS

    March 2023 Water Testing Results

    Testing and Water Management Plan 2023

    Lead Testing Update - March 2023

    NYS Legislation 10NYCRR 67-4 requires all school districts to test all water for lead contamination on a three year basis.  Previously, Irvington performed lead testing of all water source locations and remediated any faucets that were above the action response level of 15 micrograms per liter or parts per billion.   The law changed in December of 2022 and now faucets that are designated for drinking or could be considered a source for drinking water must be tested.  Properly labeled faucets that are for hand washing only do not require testing.  Additionally, the revised law reduces the acceptable levels to 5 parts per billion.

    In March, every faucet used for drinking was tested and we have received the results for Dows and Main Street Elementary Schools.  Of the 74 faucets tested, 5 were above the acceptable limit.   These faucets were turned off until remediation (faucet replacement/water flushing) can be achieved and retested.  The faucets in question were limited use faucets and such limited use can contribute to a potential higher reading.

    Lead testing Update - March 2023 - Campus

    NYS Legislation 10NYCRR 67-4 requires all school districts to test water for lead contamination on a three year basis.  Previously, Irvington performed lead testing of all water source locations and remediated any faucets that were above the action response level of 15 micrograms per liter or parts per billion.   The law changed in December of 2022 and now faucets that are designated for drinking or could be considered a source for drinking water must be tested.  Properly labeled faucets that are for hand washing only do not require testing.  Additionally, the revised law reduces the acceptable levels to five parts per billion.

    In March, every faucet used for drinking was tested and we have now received the results for the Campus.  Of the 145 faucets tested,  42 were above the acceptable limit.   Fortunately, only one drinking fountain tested above the new acceptable limit and would have passed under the old limit.  We have turned this bottle filling station off (by the Maher Gym)  and will replace it and retest before bringing it back online.   Any other faucets potentially used for drinking were turned off until remediation (faucet replacement/water flushing) can be achieved and retested.  Faucets in the science wing will be labeled as non potable or no drinking permitted and may still be used for lab work. Some of these faucets in question were limited use faucets and such limited use can contribute to a higher reading.

    While the new law mandates testing every 3 years, the District is committed to testing all drinking fountains every 6 months for our safety.  Please adhere to all posted signs to know if a faucet should not be used for drinking.  The detailed reports from the testing company can be found on the District website: https://www.irvingtonschools.org/Page/3170

    December 2020 Water Testing Results