New Student Registration Process, Documents & Forms

  • Irvington School District Registration 
    Welcome to the award winning Irvington Union Free School District in Irvington, New York!  We look forward to welcoming your student(s) in the near future. Our registration is governed by NYS law, which requires residency for families living within the Irvington School District boundaries for students (ages 5-21) to attend tuition free.

    **Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open. Please use the 2025-26 Online Registration Link below to complete the registration application.**

    **Please note that registration is for new students only. You do not have to re-enroll returning students.** 

    First Time Enrollment 

    If this is your first child to enroll in the Irvington School District, click on the Online Registration link below. This will bring you to the Infinite Campus Online Registration screen. Fill in the requested information and click on 'Begin Registration' and you will receive an email from Infinite Campus. Click on the link in your email and it will lead you to the official registration page for your child.  

    To enroll your child in kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year, they must be 5 years old by December 31, 2025. 

    Already Have Children Enrolled

    If you already have children enrolled in the Irvington School District, you have a Parent Portal account. Log into the Parent Portal. Click on Add Student. Please make sure you select the correct school year. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an email confirmation. The link is open all year for students registering for the current school year.

    Required Registration Documents 

    Before you access the online registration link, please read the information below which will guide you through some of the information you will need to complete the registration process. The registration link will prompt you to create an Infinite Campus account. To register a student, the following documents must be presented to the Registrar.

    Proof of Birth (One of the Following)

    • Birth certificate
    • Passport
    • Other valid (government issued) proof of age

    Proof of Residency

    **If you already have a child in the district and have submitted proofs or residency before, please note you must submit these documents again. Every student needs a complete registration application in order for it to be processed. Thank you.**

    • You are asked to provide the following forms of proof of residency:  
    • ONE of the following pertaining to a home in the District: 
      • Deed
      • Signed lease  
      • Mortgage or closing statement
      • Absent the above, you will need a signed, notarized affidavit from the property owner.
    • In addition, copies of any TWO of the following documents showing the student's address must be submitted:
      • Telephone bill
      • Any utility bill
      • Driver’s license/Picture ID
      • Bank statement 
      • Insurance bill
      • Voter registration card

    Proof of Sole Custody

    If you, as a parent or guardian, are separated, divorced, or have sole custody as the result of a court order agreement, a fully-executed copy of the court order agreement may be submitted as an additional document. Any one of the following may be provided:

    • Legal Guardianship Papers
    • Court Order granting sole custody
    • Affidavits from parent surrendering control and person assuming responsibility for student

    We request that all guardians are listed on the registration, regardless of whom is living with the student. 

    Health Forms and Requirements

    For new registrations for the following school year, we understand you may not have updated health forms.  Please note they will be due to the school health office by September, for the start of school.  A student must have up-to-date immunizations to start school.

    If you are unable to complete this registration in this digital format for any reason, please contact the District Registrar at 914-269-5052 or email The District will make arrangements for a paper registration format or in any language, as needed.  

    We look forward to welcoming your child most likely on Tuesday, September 2nd 2025! Please also begin to review the District website at to learn about the award-winning Irvington UFSD and its many offerings and programs. Our official 2025-26 school calendar will be posted here once it's adopted by the Board of Education, typically by March. 

    The district permits tuition paying students for non-residents after reviewing an application for admission and accepting the student.  Interested parents should send a letter of interest to the Superintendent’s office or Registrar. Per policy 7131, admission is not guaranteed. 

    Online Registration Links