School Safety and Security Updates

  • District Wide Safety Plan

    The Irvington Board of Education adopted the 2024-25 District-wide Safety & Emergency Management Plan at the November 12, 2024 meeting. 

    Click here to view the 2024-2025 District-wide Safety & Emergency Management Plan

    In partnership with our consultant Altaris Security, the District developed an overview of its emergency protocols to guide the school community on our practices and to provide tips on what to expect should an emergency arise. To view this important emergency protocol overview, please click on the following link:  

    School Safety and Security Updates
    Visitor Protocols

    The Irvington Union Free School District is committed to providing the safest possible environments for our students and staff. To this end, the Board of Education and Administration are dedicated to making enhancements to our facilities and continue to seek opportunities to enhance our emergency readiness. This page shall serve as a portal for safety and security resources.

    To help ensure the safety of our schools, the District continues to implement Visitor Protocols in an effort to provide a safer environment for students, staff and visitors. We urge visitors to review them carefully before visiting the schools or District offices. We thank all visitors for your cooperation and patience. The IUFSD Visitor Protocols can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

    Visitor Protocols