Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The Irvington Union Free School District is committed to providing a safe, productive environment for our students to grow and learn. To support this belief, the Board of Education maintains the following policies that outline expectations on student conduct: Policy 0115 Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Intervention and Irvington UFSD Code of Conduct. Each of these policies governs all bullying and harassment reporting, investigations, and school responses.
If you would like to report bullying, harassment, or hazing incident in person or via telephone our school DASA (anti-bullying) Coordinators are:
Dows Lane Elementary School:
Dr. Andrea Kantor
(914) 591-6012
Andrea.Kantor@IrvingtonSchools.orgMain Street School:
Ms. Joyce Chapnick
(914) 591-1961
Joyce.Chapnick@IrvingtonSchools.orgIrvington Middle School:
Mr. David Sottile
(914) 269-5312
David.Sottile@IrvingtonSchools.orgIrvington High School:
Mr. Jon Hirsch
(914) 269-5412
Jon.Hirsch@IrvingtonSchools.orgDistrict-level coordinator:
Dr. Mara Ratesic
(914) 591-5012
The Irvington School District is committed to eliminating bullying, harassing, and hazing behaviors from our school community. All stakeholders are asked to report incidents involving such behaviors. Our school DASA Coordinators will review all submissions thoroughly.
A member of a Board of Education, a school staff member, student, or a community member who has witnessed, or has reliable information that a student has been subject to, harassment, intimidation or bullying shall report the incident to the appropriate school official designated by the School District's policy, or to any school administrator, who will immediately initiate the school district’s procedures concerning school bullying. All IUFSD stakeholders are asked to report all incidents.
Anyone who files a report/claim he/she knows to be false will be held responsible and reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency. Under no circumstances will false reports ever be considered "a joke" or "minor mischief." They will be immediately reported.
If you would like to report a Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying incident online please use Anonymous AlertsThank you in advance for your diligence and support of all Irvington students.