Irvington UFSD Food Services
Currently, the Irvington School District partners with Aramark to provide food services for our students and staff. The district participates in the National School Lunch program also known as Child Nutrition. Breakfast is available at the campus cafeteria for Middle and High School students between the hours of 7:30am - 9:30am and school lunch is available at all schools. Current meal prices:
Breakfast $2.50
Elementary Lunch $3.25
MS/HS Lunch $4.25There are many ala carte items offered at the Campus Cafeteria for Middle and High School students as well.
Please note price increased beginning January 2024 for snack and a la carte items due to rising food costs. Please check the new a la carte menu.
My School Bucks
The District uses My School Bucks to allow parents/guardians to create a lunch account for their student and add funds periodically to these accounts. There is a small processing fee associated with this. Alternatively, students may pay in cash or have a check applied to his/her account. Parents may also use My School Bucks to view purchases your student makes.
Click here to access MySchoolBucks
Summer Meals
More resources meals can be found by clicking the links below.
Feeding Westchester
USDA Food and Nutrition Service-Find Meals for Kids When School is Closed
Cafeteria Health Inspection