Pupil Personnel Services
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Calming Activities
- Warm Bath
- Turn off TV, radio, computer, cell phone, IPAD
- Deep Pressure – Bear Hugs, massage, wrap in a blanket
- Weighted blankets, Lap Pads, Weighted or Pressure vests, weighted stuffed animals
- Neoprene vest
- Snug fitted clothing – Under Armor; cotton T shirt –one size too small
- Stuffed animal corner, bean bag chair, large pillow
- Snuggle with firm pressure
- Joint compression activities such as finger pulling
- Gum
- Wrap up like a burrito using blanket or yoga mat
- Suck thick drink through straw or coffee stirrer
- Hide out in a “tent”, closet filled with pillows on the floor, large appliance cardboard box filled with pillows/stuffed animals
- Soothing smells such as vanilla or lavender
- Fidget toys, Putty
- White noise machine
- Play doh, putty, clay
- Heavy work – carry groceries, put away books on shelf, carry laundry basket, pick up blocks
- Reduce visual clutter especially in bedroom