School Bus Safety Rules
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please review these rules thoroughly with your child. They are important to the safety and comfort of the students, as well as the bus drivers/monitors and other motorists. Infractions may be subject to disciplinary action by the school administrator.
Note: In order to ensure your child’s safety, in addition to the training that our bus drivers and monitors receive, we employ surveillance cameras to document and address any unsafe activities on our buses.
Students Should:
- Arrive at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled morning pick-up time. Buses are permitted to leave within that 5-minute window.
- Ride only on their assigned bus, and board and exit only at their assigned stop.
- Board the bus in single file and go immediately to a seat. Students are encouaged to wear a seat belt.
- Remain seated at all times when the bus is in motion, and only leave their seat after the bus is stopped at the school or bus stop.
- At a designated stop, cross the street at least fifteen (15) feet in front of the bus under the direction of the monitor or driver. Never cross behind the bus.
- Obey driver/monitor instructions. In case of emergency, carefully follow all directions given by the driver/monitor.
- Students should always use extreme caution when getting on or off the bus. Other motorists may be negligent and not stop, as the law requires, for a school bus that is picking up or discharging students.
Students Should NOT:
- Throw items out of the windows or doors, or extend any part of the body out of the window.
- Reserve or save seats.
- Eat or drink on the school bus.
- Stand on seats or sit on top of the back of the seat.
- Bring any guest on the bus.
- Bring pets on the bus.
- Bring pointed objects or weapons of any kind on the bus.
- Bring items that will not fit on their lap or under their seat.
- Push, shove, or fight on the bus or at the bus stop.
- Shout or use vile abusive language.
- Take possessions belonging to others.
- Vandalize the school bus or damage property at school bus stops.
Parents/Guardians Should:
- Help to ensure that students are at the bus stop five (5) minutes before scheduled morning pick-ups.
- Not board the bus.
- Check their child’s clothing/backpacks to avoid long or dangling drawstrings, straps, scarves, etc. These items could get caught on the bus handrail or door and create a hazard.
- Report any unsafe operation of a school bus to the Ardsley UFSD transportation office.
For general transportation questions or assistance, contact the Ardsley transportation department at 914-295-5544 or email