Core Curriculum
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Core Curriculum
In Irvington we use Rubicon Atlas, a website that provides access to our curriculum. Below is the link to the Irvington UFSD Rubicon Atlas site and our FAQ document.
Rubicon Atlas FAQ
Academic Achievement
Curriculum Guides
4th Grade Curriculum Guide 2024-2025
5th Grade Curriculum Guide 2024-2025
Homework Guidelines
Homework is typically assigned four nights per week, Monday through Thursday. Independent reading and some project work may be assigned over the weekend. The following are suggested guidelines for the assignment of daily homework throughout the grades:
Grade Time Per Day
Fourth 45-75 minutes
Fifth 60-90 minutesThese are suggested times for students of average ability. Variations should occur for differences in student interest and motivation. If you find that your child is spending an inordinate amount of time on homework, please contact your child’s teacher. If your child is home ill, please call the main office before 11:00a.m. to request homework which can then be picked up at the security desk at dismissal time.
Standardized Testing
New York State mandate requires testing in the areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics annually. Additionally, students in fifth grade will take the New York State Science assessment in the spring. Students of English as a New Language (ENL) are required to take the NYSESLAT annually to determine eligibility as well as the level of support they require to acquire their new language.Report Cards/Conferences
Student progress is formally reported in November, March and June. Report cards are available in Home Access Center. Parent-teacher conferences are held near the time of posting of the report cards. Conferences are held during the school day as well as in the evening. Information about scheduling a conference will be sent home electronically, as the meeting dates approach.Please refer to the Main Street School webpage calendar or the Main Street School Scoop for Early Dismissal and Parent/Teacher Conference dates.
Class Placement
In the spring of each school year, teachers, administrators and other appropriate staff meet to determine the best possible placement for students for the following school year. There are many factors taken into consideration: the personality of the child, overall ability, individual learning styles and social and behavioral needs. The school staff tries to maintain a balance in each classroom, the goal of which is to ensure that the needs of all the children will be met. You will be notified of your child's teacher for the following school year in a letter during the summer, which will include a copy of the class list, as well as a letter from your child’s teacher.
Parent involvement in this process is invited through the submission of a Google Doc by the parent or guardian. Parent input is important to us and will certainly be considered in the placement process. However, we will not honor requests for specific teachers or specific students. Once a child’s placement has been decided upon by our educational team, the class assignment remains final.