Support Services

  • English as a New Language (ENL):  English as a New Language (ENL) services are provided to help meet language and educational needs. ENL services are designed to provide English language learners (ELLs) with instruction based on content-specific goals and strategies that will help the child achieve academic success.

    School Counselor: The K-5 elementary school counselor is trained in child development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills.  The school counselor promotes the success of all students. The school counselor implements a comprehensive school counseling program to support students through this important developmental period. 

    Nurse:  The nurse at MSS serves as a health counselor for students, parents and staff. In addition, she is the liaison with outside health care providers whose treatment of students is relevant to the student’s progress in school. Our nurse conducts all NYS mandated health screenings, dispenses medications to students according to physicians’ orders and provides emergency and routine medical care to students.

    Occupational and Physical Therapists:  Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy are related services which fall under the umbrella of special education and are prescribed by a medical physician. The Occupational Therapist provides direct services to students who have challenges in the area of fine motor skills, perceptual motor and visual motor development that impacts the student’s ability to function within the school setting. The Physical Therapist provides services to children who have challenges negotiating their physical environment within the school building and playground. Goals of treatment are specifically designed to meet the needs of the student in relation to his/her educational program. Services may include: screening, evaluation, direct treatment, consultation and indirect services within the school community.

    School Psychologist:  The school psychologist collaborates with teachers, parents, and school personnel to create safe, healthy and supportive learning environments for all students. He/She is an integral member of the school’s Response to Intervention (RTI) Team and Section 504 Committee. The school psychologist addresses students’ learning and behavioral problems, suggests improvements to classroom management strategies or parenting techniques, provides direct intervention to students and evaluates students with disabilities to help determine the best way to educate them. The school psychologist also serves as chairperson to the Committee on Special Education where he/she facilitates the development of individualized educational programs for students with special needs.

    Social Worker:  The social worker works collaboratively with parents, school staff and the community to help students achieve academically, socially and emotionally.  Support is provided through individual, and group counseling, as well as parent meetings, and crisis intervention.  The social worker is available to provide resources to families needing assistance.  Please contact our social worker, if you have questions, or are in need of support.  

    Speech/Language Services: Our speech/language specialists provide diagnostic testing to help determine the extent and type of communication problems that may be interfering with academic achievement. They typically provide direct services to students with moderate to severe communication disorders including voice, fluency, hearing and language deficits.

    Integrated Co-Teaching
    This special education model is designed to support students with special needs in a general education classroom. Co-taught classrooms are comprised of 2/3 non-classified students and 1/3 classified students. One general education teacher, one special education teacher and a teacher aide work together to create an environment that supports the needs of all learners. All students are given access to the general education curriculum with appropriate accommodations and modifications to maximize each learner’s understanding of essential learning objectives.

    Special Class Program
    The special class at MSS is a 4/5 combined class that is 12:1:1.

    Section 504 protects qualified individuals with disabilities. Under this law, individuals with disabilities are defined as:

    • persons with a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities;
    • have a record of such impairment; or
    • are regarded as having such an impairment.

    All students who have an IEP also qualify under Section 504, but some students who do not qualify for an IEP may qualify for a 504 Plan. In all cases there must be a documented disability to qualify under Section 504 AND the disability must have a significant impact on learning or physical access to the academic program. A Section 504 Committee, chaired by a school administrator, exists in each school in the district.