Third Graders Discover Impact of Technology on Environment
Third grade students collaborated with a partner to gain insight on how technology can assist people and make a difference in the community. During a social studies assignment in Adam Schwartz’s class, the students explored an atlas and answered technology-related questions.
“We explored how technology helps people take action,” Schwartz said. “The students learned how weather technology can help predict and track storms. Then, by using this information, people can figure out ways to take action and help each other.”
The assignment supported the students’ studies around people making adaptations and modifications to the environment in efforts to protect it. They had been exploring how advancements in science, technology and industry can bring about modifications to the environment and can have unintended consequences on the environment.
“After this lesson, I hope the students took away how to collaborate as a team while exploring ways that technology can help people in their community,” Schwartz said.