Distance Learning
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Message from Mr. Sottile 4/16/2020 - Distance Learning
April 16, 2020
Dear IMS Families,
I hope that this note finds you well. As you likely saw in Dr. Harrison’s letter on Monday, we are preparing to launch the next phase in our distance learning program. This step will move us further into an interactive mode of instruction, and is intended to provide both an increased level of structure and the level of flexibility needed to succeed in our very unusual circumstances. Beginning on Monday, April 20th, we will transition into “Phase 3” of our distance learning model. On that day, we will begin implementation of a new schedule of structured meeting times and days for our classes. Below, please find a number of details specifically relevant to the ways in which students’ experiences will play out at IMS.
As you will see in the schedule below, students will typically have a day that runs from 9am-2pm, inclusive of breaks and the opportunity for extra help with teachers. Friday will be a day of extra help and completion of independent work assigned in classes. Students should follow their schedules through both “A” & “B” days. During scheduled class times, students will access their classes through Google Classroom, and will typically be engaged in live interaction through Google Meet/Hangouts or other remote tools. Teachers will be online with students during classes and students may have a moderate amount of independent work to complete following class. All classes will meet during their assigned periods, with the exception of study halls, which can be used for the completion of independent work by students. You’ll notice that Monday and Wednesday schedules and their Tuesday and Thursday schedules are very similar, with the difference being related to classes that meet only on “A” or “B” days.
Period 0
(A)Period 5
(A)Period 0
(B)Period 5
(B)Math Extra Help
Period 1
(A)Period 6
(A)Period 1
(B)Period 6
(B)Science Extra Help
Period 2
(A)Period 7
(A)Period 2
(B)Period 7
(B)ELA Extra Help
Student Break
Period 3
(A)Period 8
(A)Period 3
(B)Period 8
(B)Art/Music/Uni. Arts
Extra Help12:00-12:30
Period 4
(A)Period 9
(A)Period 4
(B)Period 9
(B)Social Studies
Extra Help12:30-1:10
Student Break
Extra Help
Period 0-4Extra Help
Period 5-9Extra Help
Period 0-4Extra Help
Period 5-9World Language
Extra HelpAttendance
Students are expected to attend classes daily based upon the schedule above, and should be logged on and ready to participate by the appropriate times. Teachers will be taking attendance for days that classes meet and recording it in e-School Plus. In cases where students are ill, and unable to participate in learning, please report this information to Linda Fried (linda.fried@irvingtonschools.org). Ms. Fried is our attendance clerk and she will make teachers and our school nurse aware of illnesses so that flexibility can be applied.
Extra Help
Time has been set aside each day for extra help. Similar to when school is physically in session, the purpose of our extra help sessions is to provide additional support to students as a follow-up to in-class instruction, not as a replacement for that instruction. Extra help sessions will occur in one of three ways. They are as follows:
- Teacher appointment - In some cases, teachers will specifically request that students attend an extra help session
- Student appointment - Students will be able to request a time to meet with teachers during extra help.
- “Drop-In” - Some sessions (or portions of sessions) will be open on a “drop-in” basis for students to attend.
Please know that teachers will be communicating specific schedules for extra help with students.
Google Meet Etiquette
As noted above, a primary platform for our live classes will be Google Meet (aka Google Hangouts). Teachers will share links for class “Meets” on their Google Classroom pages, and students will use those links for access at the scheduled time. A full list of expectations for this setting can be found by reviewing the Distance Learning Guidelines for Live Classes that are available on the District website. Below, please find some of those expectations and protocols for participating in live sessions through Google Meet:
- Be prepared for class with all necessary materials, including pen/pencil and paper, as necessary.
- Enter on time by clicking the link in Classroom and “Join Now”
- Consider your surroundings. Find a place that is quiet and free from distractions. Furthermore, recognize the items that might be visible on the wall or elsewhere in your background and ensure that they are appropriate for a video meeting.
- Be dressed in a manner appropriate for a video meeting.
- Mute microphone, unless it is your turn to be speaking.
- Remember that classroom behavioral expectations remain in effect while we are engaging in remote learning.
In addition to these guidelines, many other relevant documents and resources are available by visiting the Parent's Guide to Distance Learning page on the District website, and I encourage all families to spend some time reviewing the items there.
As we enter this next phase, I want to be sure to provide a major “thank you” to our teachers for continuing to adapt to the needs of our students while managing all of the same challenges that so many of us face during these difficult times. I ask that all members of the IMS community continue to work together, to recognize that this implementation will not be without its “bumps”, and to remember that the most successful way through this challenge will be achieved by maintaining our spirit of community and understanding. As always, should you find yourself with questions of any sort, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail at david.sottile@irvingtonschools.org.
My best,