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Dows Lane Third Graders Earn Triple C Awards

Seven Dows Lane Elementary School third graders were awarded the New York State Office of the Attorney General Triple C Award during a ceremony on May 31. They were recognized for their commitment, character and courage.

Dominic Bucci was recognized for going above and beyond to be kind to his peers. He is helpful to all and includes all students in learning and play. He is a role model for all, and his character is something to be admired. When learning in class or at indoor recess, he makes sure that all friends are included in games and groups of learning as he thinks of others, and his kindness and inclusion has been observed by all.

Sanjana Chandran was described as a leader in the class. She is respectful of others, includes all, and shows her thinking in all of her work. She leads conversations with others and makes sure all voices are heard. When adding to a conversation at a morning meeting or other time on the rug, Sanjana listens to comments from friends and then builds on their words and thoughts. She is a role model for all students.

Avery Martin radiates positivity to all. Every day, she enters the building and classroom with a smile. Throughout the day, she is kind, helps others and makes sure everyone is included in learning and play. During lessons and at recess, Avery goes out of her way to make others feel welcome and included. She is a role model for kindness and caring that reaches well beyond herself and influences the entire school.

Jia Brewster leads in her classroom by example. She smiles and respectfully includes everyone around her. She encourages others to be their best, try hard and be kind. Jia is caring and kind to students and all staff members in the building. She offers a smile and a kind word. During class circles, learning discussions and lessons, Jia leads the class in excellence.

Tyler Ortman helps everyone around him. During a lesson or group project, he observes what is happening around him and offers to help and support others. He always has a kind word and respects and supports learning for all. Tyler was described as a role model for all students in the school.

Abby Nghiem was described as kind, thoughtful and respectful of others. She voices her opinion, supports others and encourages everyone around her. Her kind smile and encouraging words support all peers in her class. Abby is a leader and role model for all.

Carl Tigertt is a hard worker and kind friend to all. He always offers a hello and smile to everyone in the classroom and around the school. Carl can be counted on to include others in play, learning, lunch and recess. Carl values learning and leads by example as he participates in groups and whole class conversations. He is kind and caring to others and is a role model for all.

“We are so proud of all of our students at Dows Lane, and we celebrated commitment, character and courage, which are values we all share,” Principal Dr. Andrea Kantor said.

During the ceremony, the students were recognized before an audience of classmates, teachers, administrators and family.